CogniMed GmbH specializes in the development of hardware and software solutions for highly specialized areas of medical technology, aerospace and complex industries. As part of this project, the certified development company will develop the input device (BIRDY).
Holger Panier
REHAVISTA GmbH takes care of the provision of aids for language impaired children and adults throughout Germany. The special focus is on AAC in this context. Within the project, the company is responsible for project coordination, identification and evaluation of suitable equipment ensembles and the subsequent system architecture.
Jürgen Kohl
Managing Director
Mareike Köhler
Authorized representative, Head of Marketing
The University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH), Campus Lübeck, is represented by three departments (IT, Nursing Research, Clinic for Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine) within the framework of the joint project.
For the formative and summative evaluation, and above all for the field trial, the IT department organizes the necessary technical prerequisites. IT also ensures the technical aspects of data security and protection when ACTIVATE is operated in the UKSH. The networking of ACTIVATE as well as the operation of the server components are also carried out by the IT of the UKSH.
Dr. Armin Will
The nursing research department at the UKSH supports the collection of quantitative and qualitative data on the initial user requirements of the ACTIVATE system. The nursing research at the UKSH accompanies the participants (intensive care patients, relatives and staff) in the reference setting of the intensive care units for the exploration and definition of the requirements as well as for the introduction and evaluation of the demonstrator in the clinical pilot study. In addition, it represents the intersection, in the phase of the clinical pilot study, to the other project partners.
Björn Hussels, MBA
Susanne Krotsetis, M.Sc.
The University of Lübeck is involved in the project with three institutes.
The work of the Institute for Multimedia and Interactive Systems (IMIS) focuses on the user-centered context-specific development, design and evaluation of a multimodal human-technology interface that is intuitive to use and tailored to the patients’ capabilities.
Prof. Dr. Nicole Jochems
Jan Kopetz, M.Sc.
The Institute for Telematics (ITM) is responsible for the development of the system architecture. ITM and its partner CogniMed also integrate the newly designed input device (BIRDY) and, together with its partner REHAVISTA, other existing input devices from the portfolio for the evaluation study.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Schrader
Börge Kordts, M.Sc.
Bennet Gerlach, M.Sc.
The Section for Research and Teaching in Nursing (ISE) is responsible for the initial investigation of leading user requirements as well as the continuous planning and coordination of all work on the ELSI evaluation, including the supervision of the planned advisory board and the cooperation with REHAVISTA GmbH/BSP-SECURITY.
Prof. Dr. Katrin Balzer
Angelika Schley, M.A.
Adrienne Henkel, M. Sc.